§602 Infringing importation of copies and phonorecords

(a)Importation into the United States, without the authority of the owner of copyright under this title, of copies or phonorecords of a work that have been acquired outside the United States is an infringement of the exclusive right to distribute copies or phonorecords under section 106, actionable under section 501. This subsection does not apply to -

  1. importation of copies or phonorecords under the authority or for the use of the Government of the United States or of any State or political subdivision of a State, but not including copies or phonorecords for use in schools, or copies of any audiovisual work imported for purpose other than archival use;
  2. importation, for the private use of the importer and not for distribution, by any person with respect to no more than one copy or phonorecord of any one work at any one time, or by any person arriving from outside the United States with respect to copies or phonorecords forming part of such person's personal baggage; or
  3. importation by or for an organization operated for scholarly, educational, or religious purposes and not for private gain, with respect to no more than one copy of an audiovisual work solely for its archival purposes, and no more than five copies or phonorecords of any other work for its library lending or archival purposes, unless the importation of such copies or phonorecords is part of an activity consisting of systematic reproduction or distribution, engaged in by such organization in violation of the provisions of section 108(g)(2).

(b)In a case where the making of the copies or phonorecords would have constituted an infringement of copyright is this title had been applicable, their importation is prohibited. In a case where the copies or phonorecords were lawfully made, the United States Customs Service has no authority to prevent their importation unless the provisions of section 601 are applicable. In either case, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to prescribe, be regulation, a procedure under which any person claiming an interest in the copyright in a particular work may, upon payment of a specified fee, be entitled to notification by the Customs Service of the importation of articles that appear to be copies or ponorecords of the work.



  1. 合衆国政府または州政府もしくは州の政治的下部機関の権限により、またはその使用のために行う複製物またはレコード(学校における使用のための複製物若しくはレコードまたは記録保存以外の目的で輸入される視聴覚著作物を除く)の輸入
  2. いずれかの者が一度に一著作物の複製物一部のみについて、または合衆国外から到着するいずれかの者がその者の手荷物の一部を成す複製物若しくはレコードについて、輸入者の私的使用を目的とし、かつ、頒布を目的とせずに行う輸入。
  3. 学術研究、教育または宗教を目的とし、かつ、私的な利得を目的としないで運営されている機関により、またはそのような機関のために、もっぱらその記録保存を目的として視聴覚著作物の複製物一部のみについて行われる輸入及びその図書館の貸出または記録保存を目的として他のいずれかの著作物5部まで、またはレコード5枚までについて行われる輸入。ただし、そのような複製物またはレコードの輸入が、そのような機関が第108条(g)(2)の規定に違反して従事している組織的な複製または頒布からなる活動の一部でない場合に限る。
